Miracle of Gratitude

Miracle of Gratitude

We have so many pursuits, dreams, aspirations and goals in life, all of which are important and essential. A lot of times, the outcome or the object we are pursuing or striving for has to do with material things, whether it be a bigger home, a bigger paycheck, or a...
I Need A Massage!

I Need A Massage!

I recently returned from two really amazing and really exhausting trips almost back to back … and I had committed to yet another two almost immediately after that. I typically love to travel, but I could feel myself being drained. I had bags under my eyes (which is...


I’ve always been grateful. Or at least I thought I was grateful. It was a passive gratitude—grateful for what I thought was good in my life and accepting the rest as “meant to be.” In her research, Brené Brown (author of  The Gift of Imperfection) discovered that...

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