Soul Clap Fitness

Hey how’s everyone doing? I think we can all agree that its an understatement and almost cliché to say that 2020 HAS BEEN A WILD RIDE! I don’t know of anyone who hasn’t been impacted at least in some way—and to some the effects have been devastating. My heart goes out...

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Mindset Hacks

Mindset Hacks

As I was sitting in my office today, finishing up my final assignment for my MFT course,  I realized I haven’t sent a newsletter since the coronavirus outbreak, and I began wondering how everyone is doing with life as we know it right now.  To me, it kind of...

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Value In Action

Value In Action

V is for Value Value is an important and foundational step in Finding Your VOICE. It entails becoming aware of the unique characteristics that you bring to society and then learning to accept and honor the Value of who you are from inside out. I was raised to believe...

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Smile! It’s Free

Smile! It’s Free

The message I’d like to share today comes from an Uber driver named Joseph whom I met while visiting Chicago a while back. Joseph is from the Philippines, an island called Cebu. He was telling me how beautiful the Filipino people are--and I can vouch for him there...

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Miracle of Gratitude

Miracle of Gratitude

We have so many pursuits, dreams, aspirations and goals in life, all of which are important and essential. A lot of times, the outcome or the object we are pursuing or striving for has to do with material things, whether it be a bigger home, a bigger paycheck, or a...

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This past week has been a Mindset Reset for me and I want share what that has looked like via a social media recap. I never professed to be a ballerina or a dancer 💃🏽 for that matter. SHiNE Dance Fitness has taught me that I CAN dance, and all I have to BE is ME!...

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I Want to Be THAT Person

I Want to Be THAT Person

There comes a time when you realize that what you want--like really want, like rich, meaningful relationships, peace, freedom, love, happiness--aren’t going to happen if you keep thinking and behaving in the way that you currently are. There comes a time when you...

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My Thoughts on Growth

My Thoughts on Growth

When I first began to understand that—if I wanted to experience true growth in my life—I needed to change the concept I had of myself, it seemed so far away and so difficult.  I also thought that once I got there, I would never have to worry about being afraid or...

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Creating A Happy New Year

Creating A Happy New Year

Happy New Year!  Happy New DECADE!  What are your plans for 2020?  For me, the first week of the new year was a time of self-reflection.  The last three months of 2019 kind of left me with my head spinning. To be honest, I wasn’t sure what to do...

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Good Enough

My husband and I just saw Michael Jackson ONE at Mandalay Bay in Las Vegas. It was AMAZING! I was inspired for many reasons—maybe most especially by a man with one leg who could dance circles around most people with two!! I’m almost embarrassed to admit that I was...

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