I often hear myself say “Personal Growth can be excruciating and exhausting, but I do it anyway because of how good it feels on the other side.” In fact, Life can be hard. Progress can be exhausting. And because it is, there is always joy to look forward...
I woke up on the proverbial wrong side of the bed this morning, and honestly, it didn’t take long before a few “little things” led to a full blown bad attitude! It kind of floored me, actually. I went to bed feeling GREAT! However, in a strange sort...
“The heart’s natural desire is for the greater good.” -Bob Proctor So what does that mean?? What is the greater good? and How do we accomplish this great desire to DO GOOD in the world? I believe the answer to the both questions is found in Jesus...
According to Brene Brown, if you wanted to grow shame in a Petri dish , like bacteria, then you’d feed that shame by hiding it. Not sharing something that we feel ashamed of, we actually give it more life, and the interesting thing about that is that we actually...
“You can advance only by being larger than your present place.” -Wallace Wattles, The Science of Getting Rich Larger than my present place?! Haven’t I already mentioned that feeling big is an “issue” for...
I love listening to Bob Proctor. He speaks so simply yet the principles he teaches are so profound! As I listened to “The Power To Have It All” on my morning walk, I fell in love with the following: “Your future can be everything you have ever...