One thing I have come to know as FACT is that the best way out is always through.

Whenever I am faced with something I’d really rather not do–whether it be because of fear, discomfort, laziness, or a plethora of other excuses–the answer to getting it done lies with a decision.
I ask myself “What will be the result if I do it or not?” and ” What is the result I am seeking?” Once I realize that what I want lies on the other side of what I don’t want to do, I may fight it for a minute, but then I make the decision to JUST DO IT. I’ve come to know that the feeling of accomplishment and joy that is on the other side of the fear is worth the pain of going through it.

(Side Bar: This song by Martina McBride is part of my courage mantra)

Still, as often as I have discovered the “other side,” I surprise myself with how stubborn I can be sometimes! This past week, for example…

I attended a personal growth training in Gold Coast, Australia.
I knew going in that I was going to be pushed beyond my comfort zone. I’ve worked with this trainer before. I guess I just thought that I had progressed to a point where the “push” wouldn’t cause me to freak out as much. But alas…

I can’t disclose too much, but the challenge included costumes and pretending and moving my body–being silly–and for some unknown reason, all of those push my buttons harder than anything. At first I was shocked, then angry; I could feel the tears were coming next, so I retreated to my room where no one could see me having a “moment.” At least this time I could save myself from being the “project” at the center of attention.
In my room, I tried to gain composure so I could just practice some moves, but instead I found myself paralyzed. I couldn’t even practice when I was ALONE!! The anger mounted to a whole new level:

“THIS IS STUPID! What does it even matter, anyway? Why do people think they  need to make me do this stuff?”

…and I went to bed…

I woke the next morning with a decision to make… Have I stretched my comfort zone enough to where I can just stay comfortable from now on? Or is what I really want still on the “other side?” I knew the answer, but the stubborn streak inside of me was still fighting it with every fiber of its being. But then…

Out walks our trainer with a demonstration that is so far beyond any zone I could even imagine–and then admits that HE was uncomfortable doing it but he wanted us to see what “playing full out” looks like.  That was it…I was done. My stubborn side threw one last tantrum…and then I knew what I had to do. If I aspire to be a leader, someone who gives others permission to step up and speak out by going first, then I will probably ALWAYS have to rise to new heights.

So I made the firm decision to JUST DO IT, and that was all it took. The anxiety lifted, the anger disappeared, the pit in my stomach was gone. I felt a sense of peace that I have never felt before in similar situations. I know I broke through this “fear,” maybe for the first time.

And you know what? I actually had fun!


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