The message I’d like to share today comes from an Uber driver named Joseph whom I met while visiting Chicago a while back. Joseph is from the Philippines, an island called Cebu. He was telling me how beautiful the Filipino people are–and I can vouch for him there because I can feel the hearts of the people I know and have met from the Philippines.
They have their trials for sure. For instance, their weather. They often have major typhoons that come and wipe out and destroy their whole island, leaving them with nothing, so they live in poverty. In my opinion, compared to my life, it seems like in the Philippines would be a very hard life.
Joseph went on to tell me how happy and loving everyone is all the time and how amazing their servant hearts are. He told me that if you were to bring a gift to these people, even though they are very poor and it would be a hardship for them, they would go out of their way to kill a chicken or pig and cook up a beautiful meal for you. He said that it doesn’t matter what is
going on in their lives, even after enduring these major storms, everyone still smiles. Everyone is just happy because happiness is free!
Joseph’s parents taught him to always smile because a smile is free, happiness is free. A lot of times we work so hard, thinking that once we have enough money, then we will be able to buy and do the things that will bring us joy. He said of all the blessings in life, happiness is the one we strive for, and yet we don’t need to strive for it at all– it’s freely available! We just need to decide to be happy and smile.
I agree with my new friend, Joseph. I know that when I smile, I feel like I am on top of the world! I hope that you all can wear a smile today and choose to be happy!
Smiles are free, after all.
I challenge you to find something to smile and/or laugh about every single day! And I would love to see what makes you smile, if you post about it on social media, tag me @carymac and use the hashtag #happinessisfreechallenge.