Believing is Seeing

Believing is Seeing

I find it so interesting WHY we choose to believe all our negative mind-chatter while at the same time we refuse to believe the positive affirmations we give ourselves or the compliments we receive from other people Maybe I shouldn’t say we–maybe I need to...
What I Choose to Believe

What I Choose to Believe

“You are already that which you want to be, and your refusal to believe it is the reason you don’t see it.” -Neville Goddard Sometimes I just have to shake my head at some of the things I have insisted on believing about myself, even though they are...
The Power of "Do It Anyway"

The Power of "Do It Anyway"

One thing I have come to know as FACT is that the best way out is always through. Whenever I am faced with something I’d really rather not do–whether it be because of fear, discomfort, laziness, or a plethora of other excuses–the answer to getting it...

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